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RESO Commander

Client tools and libraries to work with and test RESO Web APIs.

RESO Commander and Docker

RESO automated testing tools and Commander utilities can both be run in a Docker containers. The containers are slightly different in each case.

RESO Automated Testing Tools

A separate file called GradleDockerfile has been provided in order to prepare a Gradle environment for the Commander. This can also be used in CI/CD environments such as Jenkins or TravisCI.

Building the Docker Container

In order to build the Docker container for yourself, download the source code with:

git clone

You can download Docker here or here if you prefer the desktop version. Make sure it’s running before proceeding.

To check, you can use:

docker --version

At this point, you can build the container:

docker build --file GradleDockerfile -t web-api-commander-gradle --no-cache .

This will create a Docker container caled web-api-commander-gradle, which you should be able to see if you type docker images:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                 TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
web-api-commander-gradle   latest    341991b8d352   About a minute ago   1.06GB

Available Tasks

To see available tasks, issue the following command at the terminal:

$ docker run -it web-api-commander-gradle

Running Data Dictionary 1.7 Tests

Now that the Docker container is working, you can run the Data Dictionary tests.

First you’ll need to create the following:

For example:

$ docker run -it -v /path/to/test.resoscript:/test.resoscript -v /path/to/commander-build-tmp:/certification web-api-commander-gradle testDataDictionary_1_7 -DpathToRESOScript=/test.resoscript

In the example, replace /path/to/test.resoscript and /path/to/commander-build-tmp with your local paths. You can then pass the pathToRESOScript arg to the commander, as shown above.

Commander JAR and Utilities

A Dockerfile has also been provided to Dockerize the application for the Commander utilities accessible through the JAR file.

To run the Commander utilities, use the following commands:

$ docker build -t web-api-commander .

Once the container is built, you can see available tasks using the following command:

$ docker run -it web-api-commander --help

If you have input files you may need to mount your filesystem into the docker container

$ docker run -it -v $PWD:/app web-api-commander --validateMetadata --inputFile <pathInContainer>